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Have you ever found healthy eating a challenge?

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Friday, March 18, 2011 | 3:35 AM

Do you know what to eat for a healthy diet?

Perhaps you rack your brains every night for another easy healthy dinner recipe?
Or maybe you're desperate to know how you can eat healthy and lose weight?
If you’re a busy mum like me, you’ll find masses of easy healthy eating guidelines and information on this site to help you fit more healthy food into your family's diet, every single day.

I'm not a nutritionist, and my take on easy healthy eating is very simple and based on common sense.

    * Cut down, down, down on fast food, processed foods, ready-meals and foods high in fat/sugar or salt.

    * Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

    * Cook from scratch more often, using fresh, seasonal ingredients in healthy dinners.

It’s all realistic, and manageable, with no following faddy diets, counting calories or endless agonising over vitamins and minerals. As a work at home mum I just don’t have time for any of that – and neither do you.

We aren’t perfect - and maybe your family's the same. We do eat takeaway food, crisps and chocolate, but not every day, and all of it in moderation. Day-to-day it's about keeping the balance, and that’s what matters.

On this site you’ll find over 140 easy healthy recipes for quick dishes that taste delicious and use fresh foods. You can start cooking them today!

There are useful lists to help you make the healthy food choice every time, plus a rundown of seasonal fruit and vegetables so you can choose the best of the season throughout the year.

Wise up on the advantages of organic foods, learn about understanding a food label.

Find out the meat facts and discover the chocolate facts - yes, you can include chocolate in a healthy diet!

Get the lowdown on the fast food facts and discover the down-and-dirty truth from our food additive list.

You'll find tips on healthy meal planning, all the way from healthy breakfasts through to a healthy dinner, pack healthy lunch boxes for kids to take to school, and gradually switch the whole family over to the healthy eating habit - without complaints!

So, if you’re

    * confused about what’s healthy and what’s not…

    * wish you could eat more local, fresh seasonal foods – but don’t know where to start…

    * want to eat healthily, but think that maybe it's all too much hassle...

Do your own - and your children's - health and tastebuds a favour that will last a lifetime. Start here, and make the switch to easier, healthier eating for yourself, and your family. It's simple.
3:35 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Healthy Easy Recipes: Delicious Roasted Vegetable Salad

One of my favorite healthy easy recipes. Roasted vegetable salad recipes are delicious especially with the parmesan and walnuts added in this easy salad recipe.

This roasted vegetable salad is tasty and light and because it uses olive oil it's healthy too.

Satisfying but simple this easy salad recipe is perfect to serve as a light lunch with crisp crostini or moist warm health bread.

It also makes a wonderful accompaniment to many summer dishes - from barbeques to seafood!

You'll need a beautiful salad bowl to serve this healthy easy recipe. You can't go wrong with a classic white serving dish. It's beautiful, timeless and will look great with almost any table setting and it works well for pasta too.
3:33 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Healthy Lifestyle Healthy Makin Change Your Genes

Written By Luthfie fadhillah on Sunday, March 13, 2011 | 12:36 AM

CHANGES comprehensive lifestyle including a better diet and physical exercise with a rate of more than usual can improve not only your stamina and fitness but also bring major changes dramatically at the genetic level. Thus expressed by scientists from the United States,

In a small study, scientists examined about 30 men suffering from prostate cancer and decided not to run a conventional medical treatment such as surgery, radiation or hormone therapy.

These men underwent three months of lifestyle changes significantly among others undergo diet rich in fruits, vegetables, grains, soy products, legumes, moderate physical exercise such as walking for an hour every day, stress management for one hour every day with meditation.

As expected, they lost weight, blood pressure and increasing the level of health. However, more than that, these scientists discovered that a very significant change when performing a biopsy (tissue sampling) prostate before and after lifestyle changes.

After three months, these lifestyle changes bring changes in the activity of about 500 genes - including 48 active genes and 453 genes that are less active.

Activity of genes that prevent the onset of diseases increased while the number of genes that increase the incidence of diseases including prostate cancer and breast cancer, it is not active. Thus the results of this study revealed in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Research led by Dr. Dean Ornish, head of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute in Sausalito, California and an author who promotes the importance of lifestyle changes for health.

"These findings are very interesting because the more often people say, ooh all this is in my genes, what can I do? So, yes you can do many things," Ornish is also affiliated with the University of California, San Francisco says so in an interview by telephone.
12:36 AM | 1 komentar | Read More

Burn Fat Exercise Is Effective?

IN undergoing slimming or diet program, exercise is one factor that is crucial. With proper and regular exercise, the purpose of the erosion of fat in the body can take place effectively.

There are still many people trapped assumption that the type of exercise to burn fat fast is a high-intensity exercise and spend a lot of sweat, such as sprinting, cycling fast or badminton might linger.

The most effective sports erode body fat, explains dr. Samuel, had low to moderate intensity. • You can walk leisurely over 30 minutes, or even swim breaststroke slowly over half an hour, ° he said. To be effective, this little exercise should be done at least more than 30 minutes.

¨ Why? Because when we move, the body spends energy from glucose (carbohydrates) in blood sugar as well as the existing reserves of muscle and liver cells (glycogen). This new reserve will be exhausted when you move for 30 minutes, ° he explained.

Well, go dr. Samuel, if you do a little exercise over 30 minutes, most likely the body will take energy from other sources of fat reserves.

Then, what happens when you perform high intensity exercise in a long time. ° which actually occurred was not burning fat, but protein from muscle, ° dr Samuel. While heavy exercise such as running, your body will spend a constant energy reserves and rapid. While the source enegi reserves can only be obtained from muscle protein rather than fat.

¨ Fat will not be able to provide it because the metabolism is slow. Therefore, diet programs will not be effective with heavy exercise, because you burn it is not fat, ° he said. So, for you who want to lose weight, do a little exercise on a regular basis over 30 minutes
12:35 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Kick-Increase Stamina

EASY feel tired? Here's how to overcome them so that stamina remains high.

1. Sports, sports, sports!
According to James Rippe, cardiologist and Director of Rippe Lifestyle Institute in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts, USA, exercise, especially aerobic type, is the best medicine to overcome fatigue and increase energy. Aerobic exercise, like cycling, swimming and running, will strengthen the heart so that more supply of oxygen to the body. More oxygen, more heat means more internal organs to work thereby increasing the efficiency of energy production.

2. Drink more
Less fluid is the cause of fatigue. If the body is dehydrated, the blood thickens. As a result, blood flow becomes slow and takes more time for the cell body to get oxygen.

3. Eat a little, but often
Eat smaller meals nutritionally balanced, but often. Eating large portions rich in carbohydrates cause blood sugar to soar. It makes more insulin is released the body. This condition would cause too much blood sugar is sent to the muscle cells for storage. This is the ringleader of fatigue.

4. Consumption of supplements of vitamins, minerals, and omega-3 fatty acids
Dr. Roberta Lee, Director of the Continuum Center for Health and Healing at Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, USA, suggested that multivitamin and mineral intake for patients with fatigue. Why? Antioxidant vitamin helps the body neutralize the damage in cells due to free radical attack. Minerals support the performance of the liver and kidneys to detoxify the body of work. Omega-3 fatty acids help to work every cell of the body to run smoothly.

5. Change routine
When daily activities are predictable, change the habit. This can lead to boredom, ringleader of the energy drain. Try to listen to new kinds of music, travel new route to the office, or chatting with new people.

6. Give priority
Make a list of the most important things in life, what you want to do. Doing things I want, says Tony Schwartz, author of The Power of Full Engagement, will spend the energy.

7. Short break
Humans are programmed by the Almighty to move between spending and regenerate energy. This cycle, says Schwartz, lasted for 90-120 minutes during waking hours. If we ignore it, will easily fatigue. Take a few minutes to recover energy.
12:34 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Keep Deer Horn Male Stamina

Some of the complaints that men are often perceived decreased stamina, loss of sexual desire and often have sexual problems like erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, infertility, and problems urinating.

The emergence period! Ah-period! Ah it would interfere with the performance and lower the quality of life of men. For productive men's sexual health is vital. Sexual harassment can directly impact on quality of life, self-confidence, and relationships with a partner.

Necessary supplies
Healthy balanced diet is certainly a primary option to get the quality of stamina. Intake of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins are a source of energy, while vitamins and minerals act as a catalyst needed in the body's metabolic processes.

Vitamins and minerals are essential compounds that can not be produced by the body, so it must be supplied from food or supplements.

The body will remain healthy if you always get a complete nutritional intake and quality. The problem is the food we eat has experienced loss of quality during the process
storage, preservation, and processing.

Unfavorable habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, eating irregularities, digestive problems, air pollution, stress, and drug use will damage and reduce the amount of vitamins and minerals in the body, so it will have a negative impact on health.

The factors above lead to malnutrition and will affect a man's stamina. That is why supplementation is needed to help the body stay fit. Currently on the market there are many choices. One of these special supplements to maintain stamina men created from natural ingredients, deer antlers.

It has long been a deer or a deer velvet antlers have been used with other herbs such as ginseng as a tonic. In traditional Chinese medicine, deer antlers are used to harmonize the yin and yang energy.

This will balance the hormones needed to increase stamina, vitality, and restore the energy lost due to stress and fatigue.

David Allison (1999) in his book, Velvet Antler (Nature's Superior Tonic), indicating that in early tests on mice, deer velvet antler showed increased testosterone and estrogen hormone that plays an important role in sexual function of men and women.

Tonic emperor
Another study from Betty Kamen (2003), written in his book, The Remarkable Healing Power Velvet Antler, stated that routine use of deer velvet antler extract can increase testosterone levels affect the increase vitality, stamina, power year, libido, erection, and erectile dysfunction .

Deer velvet is an adaptogen which tends to improve the condition of the body that is less balanced. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), or the condition of the body's energy balance is the key to health including sexual health.
12:32 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

Sports One Hour More Effective!

A person naturally will experience weight gain because of metabolism, the process when the body burns calories, slows with age. In fact, once the disease is closely linked with the presence of excessive fat.

To maintain a normal body weight, no matter how old you are, who do is lose weight gradually through sport. American health experts recommend 150 minutes a week is enough to reduce the risk of chronic disease. However, the dose was not enough time to lose weight.

The experts said that the best way to get a healthy body weight is to exercise with a rate of more, about one hour each day. In fact, if the way this is done since middle age, the benefits will be felt in the long term.

A number of researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital conducted a study to ascertain the most appropriate measure of time to prevent obesity without having to restrict calories. The study, led by I-Min Lee, ScD from Harvard Medical School involved 34 000 respondents an average woman aged 54.

Lee found that the more active a person exercising, the less weight loss obtained. "When compared between groups of women who are very active sports, a less active group actually achieve weight loss more," he said.

The study also revealed that physical activity and reduction in body weight only tangible results on their body mass index of less than 25. "For those with body mass index over 25 or obese, exercise should be followed by caloric restriction
12:31 AM | 0 komentar | Read More

How to maintain the body's energy

Long working hours, poor food intake, and rest less, drain the nutrient reserves in the body. Thirdly it also causes fatigue.

Knowing what to improve the vitality of the body and what it takes energy, according to the book Food That Harm, Food That Heal, will help you keep fit.

Draining Vitality:
* Alcohol. Excessive alcohol consumption can interfere with the rest of the night. If you can not stop the habit of drinking alcohol, keep their consumption does not exceed safe limits. Try one or two alcohol free days a week.

* Smoking. Initially, nicotine stimulates the brain does, but then will act as a depressant. Smoking will deplete micronutrients such as vitamins B and C. This means working extra hard for antioxidants in the body detoxify.

* Anxiety and stress. Perform routine daily activities that keep the mind from the problem. Meditation, listening to music, or gardening are believed to calm the mind and lead us away from trouble.

* Allergies. Fatigue can be a symptom of allergies to certain foods.
Enhancer Vitality:

* Sleep. Good night's sleep or afternoon nap like a cat would rest the mind and increase energy.

* Breakfast. You will feel tired when kept forcing the move all morning with no energy intake. Breakfast breads, cereals, fresh fruit, and yogurt in the morning will increase your vitality.

* Fresh air. The streets while inhaling the fresh air you will relieve fatigue.

* Inhale deeply. Inhaling oxygen into the body is one way to release stress and increase vitality. Try to relax and breathe. Count to four. Exhale through the mouth (try to keep the fixed jaw relaxed) and count to eight. Repeat until you feel fresh
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